Monday, May 01, 2006

Wednesday, May 3 (7-9PM) - Julia Kiniski School (4304-41Ave. - in the Jackson Heights, Millwoods area)
Thursday, May 4 (7-9PM) - Leefield Community Centre (7910-36Ave. - opposite the Markaz masjid, same place as last practice - this is our regular practice field)

- 7PM means you're on the field dressed and ready to go. Get your shin guards, socks, UnderArmour, and any other kind of gear on. Late comers will be running laps to repay their debt to the team regardless of the reason/excuse for coming late.
-We were initially going to have practices this Tuesday (tomorrow) and Thursday but instead we're going to have our practices this week on Wednesday and Thursday. We switched the practice days because some of the bros play on a ball hockey team that has a game on Tuesday at 9:30PM and we didn't want them to be rushing away from practice and being exhausted for their ball hockey game. In the future, we'll keep trying to accomodate players' commitments to other things to a reasonable extent as long as it's not compromising our own FC AI team.
- If you know any other soccer players that want to come to the practices, they must talk to us (Uncle Alami or myself) first and get our permission. It's fine to have guests come to practices but they will be treated the same as everyone else and must take the practices as seriously as the registered league players do.
Saturday, May 6 (Noon ie. 12PM) - FCAI vs. Meyn FC - Matt Berry #4 (59A St. - 159 Ave.)

- this Saturday is our first game. It's important that we hit the ground running and start the season firing on all cylinders. Much of soccer is psychological and so we have to decimate our opponents right from the start and leave no doubt which team is going to capture the #1 spot this season. Ideally, players from other teams should be finding excuses ("Oh, I'm sick", "I'm working") to avoid playing against our team :).
- Be at the game 30 minutes in advance. In the indoor season many of us (including myself and the other captains) would be showing up 5 minutes before the game and this leaves us disorganized and not in game mode, not to mention leaving us vulnerable to injuries since we're not warmed up and stretched out properly. We haven't discussed an exact policy regarding this but consider it likely that you may lose playing time and starting position rights if you start showing up late.
Online Blog:

- We've set up an online blog since the Al-Ikhwan Brother's BBall team did the same and it seemed to work out good. You should try to check the blog every day at least once since we'll expect you to be up to date with everything that we post on there.
- After a bit, after we've solidified our communications, we won't be relying too much on personally calling people because we'll be expecting that you're checking the blog regularly and your email.
- The Blog will be our major source of communication with everyone. Although we'll be emailing and calling people, it may end up that on some occasions we can't find the time and in those few situations you're still expected to be up to date on everything.


Blogger FC AI United said...

Wasalams bro, good thinking. Will do. Everything should be up in short time, working on it insha'allah.
See you at practice, spread the word bro.

11:08 AM  

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