Sunday, May 14, 2006

Previous Game Recap:
3-0 vs. Pirates SC
Upcoming Practice: Monday, May 15, 7:30PM - pray Asr at 7:15 in Markaz then head across to the fields by Leefield as usual. Contact me (Muntaka) if you can't make it.
Next Game: Wednesday, May 17, 7PM vs. MW Warriors @ Millwood Park #1 - be there 30 minutes early
Champions League Final: Arsenal vs. Barcelona - don't miss it!
Alhamdulillah, we won 3-0 in our first played game (the 1st game of the season was won 3-0 due to the other team - Meyn FC - forfeiting). We played against a young team, much like ourselves, by the name of Pirates SC and held our composure and showed our class for most of the game. As brought up and discussed at half-time, we weren't always first to the ball however. We were lucky that even though we usually weren't first to the ball for parts of the game, we managed to make up for it using skill and experience. However, against skilled teams we have to be first to the ball.
Ayman Elbouhssini of Morocco dropped in the first two goals of the game. Ayman attempted a third goal which bounced off the crossbar but Ahmed Hussain showed a flash of speed and positioning and put himself in the right place at the right time in true striker fashion to put in the third goal. It should be noted that Akram, Ayman's brother, failed to appear on the scoresheet all game.
Excellent control of ball and play at center midfield by Nahhid Alami and Bilal Abdu led to much of the defensive and offensive success of the game. Also, thanks to the midfield flanks for beautiful passing and setting up the offense.
Although there were a few rare frights on the defensive end of things (the kind of small mistakes we can't afford and against fast, experienced teams), on the whole, the FC AI defence proved to be solid overall. With a combination of experienced players and young (Muntaka Shah, Wais Abdulghani, Hadi Quazi, & Obada Mustafa), the defence kept scoring chances to a minimum.
As always, Omar Taliani showed calm composure in net as he recorded a well-deserved shut-out.
Well done brothers. Let's keep up the momentum going into the rest of the season.

Our next practice is this Monday. Note that practices will be every Monday from now on for the rest of the summer. If there are any cancellations or change of plans, we'll make sure to notify everyone. The standard field will be the fields opposite the Markaz mosque by the Leefield Community Centre and we'll let you know if we switch to another field. We may schedule additional practices should we feel the need. It's expected from everyone though that they keep Monday afternoons free at the minimum for practices.
Since we just came off a game and we'll be having a game again within 2 days of the Monday practice, we'll keep the Monday practice light. Instead of starting at 7PM as usual, we'll go in to pray Asr at 7:15PM and then head out for practice at 7:30PM.

Any practices that you can't make, you HAVE to contact me and let me know. Often, some of the players have legitimate reasons for missing practice but if I'm not notified beforehand I'm considering it an unexcused absence and I'm marking it down. My contact info is and 710-7449.

One of the floor hockey brothers notified me that they have a game at 7PM on Monday so Bilal Abdu, Omar Taliani, and Ahmed Hussain won't be able to make it. That's cool, game commitments supercede practice commitments so we wish them the best of luck with their game and to make us proud insha'allah! Although the hockey team has a few Monday games, they don't have a set game day so we just decided to have consistent Monday practices so people could take them off for work etc. On weeks that the brothers have a hockey game, we may try to slot in another practice so those brothers get a practice get in.

Our next game is this Wedneday, May 17 at 7PM at Millwood Park #1 vs. MW Warriors (23 Ave. - 71 St. - the fields beside Page High & Holy Trinity High). We need everyone to be there by 6:30PM.
It should be a challenging game because from the intel that we've gathered, MW Warriors and Chile B will give us trouble in this division this Outdoor 2006. First to the ball and quick, no-nonsense passing will be key.

UEFA Champions League Final - Arsenal vs. Barcelona - TSN (Ch. 20) 12:30PM - Wednesday, May 17
TSN - UEFA Champions League Final
On our important game day against MW Warriors, there's another exciting game happening so make sure that you don't miss out. UEFA Champions League Final - Arsenal of the English Premiership and Barcelona of Spain's La Liga Primera Division will be battling it out for European club soccer honours. Watch some beautiful soccer between the two soccer titans and then emulate that gameplay against MW Warriors later on in the day ;).


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