Sunday, May 21, 2006

Assalamualaikum Everyone.

Upcoming Practices:
We've switched around the practice dates for the upcoming two weeks because of the fact that we have a Bye this week (ie. no game) and to accomodate the Oilers games against the Ducks (let's go Duck hunting!).
- Monday, May 22 (7PM-9PM; Leefield) - We'll be praying Asr together at 6:45PM SHARP inside the Markaz masjid and then heading out to the field to start practice at 7PM. Maghrib is pushing back later and later into the night so we'll just finish practice at 9PM.
- Wednesday, May 24 (7PM-9PM; Leefield) - Same deal as above. The HC Dynamos hockey brothers (Omar T, Ahmed Hussain, Bilal Abdu) have a game at 9:30PM so they'll be coming to practice for the first hour until 8PM giving them plenty of time to rest up, rehydrate, and get to their hockey game.
- Sunday, May 28 (4PM - 6PM; Leefield)

Upcoming Game:

Wednesday, May 31, 7PM @ Victoria High School #1 (102St. - 108Ave.) - Chile B vs. FC AI
- as always, be on the field 30 minutes before. We'll have to be on our toes against Chile B because they're a former Div 3 team so they have plenty of experience and skill.


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