Friday, May 26, 2006

Sunday, May 28, 2006 @ 3PM (arrive 2:45PM)
Exhibition Game: FC AI vs. Afghan United
Confederation Park (the fields by Harry Ainlay, Louie, and Confed Leisure Centre) 43 Ave. - 112 St.

Since this is an exhibition game, if you usually don't play in the league games, please get in touch with me (Muntaka - see contact info on the side) and let me know if you'd like to play in this game and insha'allah we'll try to slot you in. Make sure to notify me though so I know how many we'll be bringing to the game.

Also, our beloved Muhammed Sabri is moving to Syria and some of the brothers are organizing a going-away BBQ for him by Umar Shuaib's house. We'll be going there after the game at about 4:30PM.
Please talk to Fahad Afzal (637-0786, and let him know if you're going to Muhammed Sabri's going away BBQ because they need to plan for how many people are coming and buy enough BBQ meat. We strongly encourage everyone to go. Muhammed Sabri has been an instrumental brother in our community for as long as I can remember and it's a sad event to see him go. Insha'allah, the people of Syria will come to love him as we have come to love him.
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