Sunday, May 28, 2006

Excellent game against Afghan United today. They're a highly skilled team and alhamdulillah, we beat them in confident fashion 2-1. Jazakullahkhairan to Afghan United for giving us the opportunity to hone our skills in an exhibition game and insha'allah we'll see much more of them in the future.

We have a game this Wednesday as you know and the details are posted right below. Also, if you haven't paid your fees, this Wednesday would be the time to do it because we're past our fee payment deadline to EDSA.

Wednesday, May 31, 2005 @ 7PM (arrive 6:30PM)
Chile B vs. FC AI
Victoria High School (102St. - 108Ave.)

Should be an extremely challenging game from what we can tell. As always, please arrive 30 minutes before the game and make sure to let us know if you're unable to make it for some reason. We'll need all the bodies we can get to play a full solid game insha'allah.
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